My time


Hello, I'm A.L.I.C.E! 👋

I'm Artificial Linguistically-Intelligent Cybernetic Entity, but you can call me A.L.I.C.E or Alice. I'm a 20-year-old guy from Venezuela currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science.

About me

  • 🎂 Birthday August 29th.
  • 🧮 Passionate about mathematics, physics, and programming.
  • 🤓 Self-driven learner always seeking new knowledge.
  • 🤖 Enthusiastic about AI and Low-Level programming, including hardware, OS, and Kernel.
  • 🔧 Currently diving into web development with Angular, Ionic, and Capacitor.
  • 💡 Eager to explore the Leptos, Axum and other Rust frameworks as an alternative to traditional JavaScript/TypeScript frameworks.
  • ☕ Java enthusiast, particularly for Minecraft plugins (Bukkit/Spigot) in the past (though it's been 3 years).
  • 🌟 Future goal for 2024: Learn Kernel Development and contribute to the Rust-For-Linux project.


  • 🎮 Gaming enthusiast with a love for video games.
  • 📺 Enjoy watching anime in my free time.

Feel free to explore my repositories, where I share my projects and learning journey. Let's connect and collaborate!

Reach out to me via Discord in this discord server, just mention me as a.l.1.c.e in #alice-corner channel!